How to Clean and Maintain a Spa

12 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Spas are a great way to unwind after a stressful day. However, spa parts require regular maintenance to keep them clean and to keep the chemicals at a safe level. Spa cleaning begins from the first time you fill your spa.

Filling your spa

When you receive your spa, fill it with tap water to the level that is recommended. You should fill your spa through removing a filter and placing a hose in the filter pipe. When your spa is full, allow it to heat up.

Testing your spa water

Use a test strip to measure the pH and of your spa water. Follow the instructions provided with the test strips. The instructions will also provide you with a guide to the ratings. If the pH is at a good level, you do not need to do anything else. If it is not, you can add substances to improve the pH.

Sanitising your spa

You should purchase a sanitiser to clean your spa. There are sanitisers that do or do not include chlorine. The degree of use required will depend on the sanitiser, so always read the instructions provided. You should apply a sanitiser even when you are not using the spa.

Maintaining the cleanliness of your spa

There are steps that you should take on a regular basis to maintain the cleanliness of your spa. Firstly, if your spa has pleated filters, you should remove them and rinse them with water to remove any particles that have gathered in them. You can then use a shock substance to remove chemicals and other organic substances from the water. Your spa should be left to run during this time. Then use a test strip to measure the pH. If the pH is not at an agreeable level, use a substance to correct this. After this, you should use a sanitiser to clean the water.

Removing water from your spa

After a while, your spa will need to be drained and fresh water has to be added and treated again. Before draining your spa, remove the filters and rinse them with water. You can then add a product to clean your spa pipes and then drain the water. When your spa is empty, rinse it with a hose to remove residue and then wipe it. You can also wipe your spa cover. After wiping down your spa, rinse it again and then leave it to dry. Then follow the original steps for filling your spa.